My dad, Jim Pfefferkorn, and my nephew
Braden come visit me before the boat sets sail for the first time. At this point, I am not sure it will ever sail again. The good thing is most of water was pumped out of cabin and it is now "above" water. I hope it continues to float and there is no major hull damage! The boat does have teakwood on tiller and it is also the main support for the mast. This is a good thing since teak does not typiclly rot, is immune to bugs, disease etc. Notice old, wornout jib and mainsail halyards. Front hatch is also open to air out the cabin where it had been submerged for so long . There were several fish that made made my boat their home before I came along! Occassionally, I still find some dead fish in the nooks and crannies! I just follow the smell! Braeden is my step-brother BJ Plyler's son and is also close to the same age as my son Parker who is 12. Braeden has a great personality and a contagious smile. I remember how much he enjoyed just hanging out on the boat and the joy it brought him for that one moment in time. Once I ready the boat to sail and test it, I hope to invite him out one day so he and Parker can get to know each other better. My step-mother Elaine took this great picture for us. Don't we look great - Captain and crew?! Thanks Elaine!