I remember a phrase my grandfather used to say, Jame, "The worst say of fishing is better than the best day of work." This is true with sailing too. Today was probably the worst wind that I have experienced so far. I don't care what they say, the weatherman is not always right! According to the hourly wind forecast, wind was supposed to be 8-10 kts through 9 pm. Another interesting summer phenomenon, is the sudden appearance of thunderstorms that mysteriously appear out of thin air. I should have known better, the forecast was not in concert with the stationary front hovering over the Southeast, which always generates unpredictable weather. When I arrived today, everything was perfect, then I saw an ominous,black cloud approaching the lake from the west. I had already hoisted the main, and jib. I was ready to go. The wind was picking up to 12-15 kts, I was eager to catch some of this sweet wind, but I didn't want this to be my "last" day of sailing! I checked my radar on my Blackberry and I saw a cell approaching my position that had a red circle, inside a yellow circle, inside a green circle and it was starting to rain lightly. I did not want to make a hasty decision and get caught in an isolated thunderstorm surrounded by water and lightning! I waited for the storm to pass south of my postion, confirmed a clear radar and departed. What was heaven turned to 5 kts, 4, 3, 2 1, 0 and the boat stalled 100 yards away from my slip in the middle of the lake with no steerage, no forward momentum and the lake smooth as glass! The tell-tales on the shrouds were limp as a spaghetti noodle and I was "in irons!" No wind, nothing! What happened to the perfect forecast of sustained winds on 10 mph for the next 4 hours? About this time of emotional despair, my Uncle David called to ask me if I would be interested in sea trialing an Endeavor 40 sailboat next Tuesday afternoon from Oriental to New Bern! He sold this boat and needs help sailing to the new owner in NewBern. My son Parker and I are going to meet David in Oriental next Tuesday afternoon and crew for him. Serendipity strikes again! Before this phone call, I started to paddle back to my slip. During the phone call, my spirits picked up with anticipation of my first ocean voyage next week, and the wind picked up to 5-7 kts so I could lazily sail into the sunset on a port close haul tack back to my slip. Another day in paradise!